Be quick but don’t hurry. –Coach John Wooden
Don’t you just love it? March Madness is back! And it is as glorious as ever. As we celebrate the current run of college basketball teams and players gunning for their “One Shining Moment”, we also look back on the incredible past of the NCAA Tournament. It has been almost 30 years to the day since Christian Laettner hit his buzzer-beating, miracle shot to propel Duke into the Final Four and onto yet another National Championship. And while Kentucky fans may want to forget it (along with any reference to St. Peter), that shot will live on as the most iconic moment in the history of college basketball.
If you followed the sport closely, you remember exactly where you were and who you were with when the ball swished through the net. Why was it so memorable and so remarkable? First, it was a huge game between two powerhouse programs with the incredibly high stakes of reaching the Final Four on the line. Second, it was a back and forth battle with each team hitting improbable clutch shots just to get the game to overtime. Third, the entire balance of the game came down to one team having to travel the length of the court down by one point with just seconds on the clock. Finally, it was the way in which Laettner hit the game-winner. He knew he didn’t have all the time in the world (2.1 seconds to be exact!). He acted with urgency. But he wasn’t rushed or sloppy. Laettner still had the presence to take a dribble and spin before launching The Shot!
And that sense of urgency mixed with calm execution is exactly what we need in our professional and personal lives.
A Calm Sense of Urgency
In business, we are under an enormous amount of pressure. Tight deadlines. High expectations. Fierce competition. We can’t be lackadaisical. We have to act as if the clock is winding down. But we also have to maintain our composure. When we need to garner more sales, we have to doggedly pursue new revenue streams. But we can’t desperately harass our potential clients. When our business is running low on money, we have to realize the urgency and attract new investors. But we can’t foolishly mortgage our future on the promise of quick cash in the present. As managers, we have to immediately address and motivate our team when the the momentum plateaus. But we can’t make wholesale changes on a knee-jerk reaction.
Things are not always going to go in our favor. No career or business skyrockets to the top without dips along the way. We have to be self-aware and constantly monitor our progress. When we are in a tight spot, we need to be decisive and take immediate action. But that can’t come through in the form of panic. That can’t alter our long-term execution. A calm sense of urgency will get us back on track and keep us in the game.
We Need to Act TODAY
And the same is true in our personal lives. Life does not march on to the same status quo beat forever. Been meaning to repair that frayed relationship? Or run that marathon? Or take up surfing? Or tell someone you love them? Or pursue a long-dormant passion? We may think we have all the time in the world. But that clock is winding down. And age is undefeated.
We take so much for granted. Our health can decline in the blink of an eye. Our loved ones will not always be around to support us. Family dynamics can shift without warning. Our ability to influence and inspire is finite. We have to be aware of this fragility before it is too late. We have to act with urgency while we still can.
But we also need to stay calm. There is no need to panic. We don’t have to dramatically change our lives overnight to make a difference. Start with something small. Make an achievable list of goals. And then act on one of them TODAY. We don’t have to make up all the points at once. But we do need to start chipping away NOW.
There Is Still Time
It is sobering to recognize that we don’t actually have all the time the world. Life is fragile. The clock will eventually work against us. But everything will be okay. Because no matter how dire a situation looks, the buzzer has not yet gone off. It is never too late to make a change. We DO have time left on the clock. And our inner circle of fans will always be pulling for us.
It’s time to gather yourself. Take a dribble. Spin. And let it fly. The game is still in your hands. And the time to act is NOW.