I never want to let my guard down and become complacent. If you become complacent, you start feeling entitled. I’m ready to go dig ditches if I have to. Whatever I gotta do to provide for my family.–Mark Wahlberg
The modern day trade show does not exactly conjure up themes of excitement and exuberance. But many years ago, I had a chance encounter that hammered home a major lesson in resiliency in an otherwise forgettable atmosphere.
In my boredom, and in my endless pursuit of connecting with resilient workers, I struck up a conversation with the local security guard. Everyone has a story to tell, and I eventually broached the subject of how he got started in the business. Turns out he worked full-time as a financial analyst but, with three kids in college, he couldn’t make ends meet with his salary alone. The extra blue-collar work was not prestigious, and he was often the butt of jokes amongst his peers. But he swallowed his pride and accepted the work.
“Ya gotta do, what ya gotta do!”, he said with conviction.
Amen, brother!
It’s Not All Sunshine and Roses
We have major responsibilities to our family (and ourselves) to make ends meet in a world with exponentially increasing costs and demands on our time. In our work life, we need to maintain balance and ensure we are not consumed by the daily pressure of staying financially solvent. We must keep a healthy perspective. But we cannot shirk our basic duties simply because we are uncomfortable. Sometimes we have to take on work that is “beneath” us. Sometimes we have to let someone else have the spotlight. Sometimes we have to hold off on a vacation, give up a weekend or stay up late if it gives us an opportunity to advance our career. Sometimes, we have to swallow our pride if it provides more security for our family.
We must make sacrifices at some point in our journey. Ya gotta do, what ya gotta do!
The same is true in our personal lives. We all want to have leisure time and relax outside of work and school. Who deserves it more than us? But sometimes we have to make a stand. Sometimes we have to miss a party if it means helping someone through a difficult time. Sometimes we have to sacrifice hanging out with our friends if it means practicing extra hard for your team or studying extra hard for a test. Sometimes we have to take care of our parents in their time of need if it means missing a social function. Nothing is more important than our family.
We all deserve the opportunity to unwind and enjoy our down time. But sometimes we must sacrifice that time to do the right thing. Ya gotta do, what ya gotta do!
We Have to Stay on Top
In the good times, we still must maintain our willingness to do whatever it takes. When things are going our way financially, socially, and spiritually, it is so tempting to give in to complacency. Perhaps we don’t have to work as hard. Perhaps we don’t have to spend as much time on our relationships. Perhaps we don’t have to make as many sacrifices with our time. The great irony is this is the point when we have to work the hardest. It is not about getting to the top of the mountain, it is about keeping our edge and staying on top! It is not about establishing relationships. It is about maintaining them for a lifetime. We cannot get soft when the good times are rolling. We will need that grit when the tide eventually turns
And when things are not going our way? Our resiliency will be measured by our ability to do whatever it takes (as long as it not illegal or immoral) to get back on top. Instead of giving up, double down on your effort. Instead of playing the victim card, take ownership and change your habits. Instead of retreating into a shell, seek the comfort and counsel of your inner circle. It is never easy to fail. It is never easy to admit defeat and apologize for your mistakes. But you have the ability to pull yourself out of the abyss. You have too many people in your corner. You have too much talent to stay down forever. You must continue to move forward and take action. Ya gotta do, what ya gotta do!
We must maintain our edge at all times. We must maintain our hunger to conquer new challenges. We must maintain our desire to do whatever it takes to provide for our family. No goal is out of our reach. No task is beneath us.
Ya gotta do, what ya gotta do!
Good message. These are good little reminders of why we are doing what we are doing.
Thanks, Doug. That’s right. There is a purpose to everything…even the things we don’t WANT to do!
Congratulations on the 500+ subscribers Rob! To infinity and beyond!
Thanks for being part of the 500. Buzz Lightyear has nothing on me!
Nothing is more important than your family. AMEN ALL.
Absolutely, John. Family first!
Very true…..Lucky for you jokers….Katie picked a winner and HERE I AM!
That’s right, C-DUBS…and lucky Katie!