Congratulations!  You have now taken the first step toward incredible human fulfillment and eternal happiness!  Wait, I was told to under promise and over deliver in this blog.  Hmmm.  Would you believe general contentedness and a moderate uptick in joviality?  Well, anyway, thanks for signing up, mom!

The Resilient Worker was designed for anyone who has experienced a temporary setback or disappointment in their work life or career.  In other words, it is designed for everyone!  Let’s face it; whether you work in a cube, or in the corner office, we have all experienced disappointment, heartache, and failure at some point in our journey.  In fact, if you never experienced any of these negative results, you simply aren’t trying hard enough!  That’s right.  Failure, while not a pleasant outcome, is sometimes the natural result of hard work and dedication.  If you stay at something for long enough, if you keep moving forward, that setback is bound to happen.

But the alternative is far worse!  Fear of failure and the resulting paralysis (in business and in life) is the ultimate tragedy.  Life is for the bold and the active.  We need to constantly move forward and persevere through any setbacks.  Failure is temporary but inaction is permanent.  This site is designed to help you find your inner Resilient Worker!  Stay with me on this journey.

I get knocked down.  But I get up again.  You’re never gonna keep me down.

Whoa.  Did I just quote Chumbawumba?  Have I lost you, mom?  Jumping the shark in my very first post?  Well, maybe, but Chumbawumba has a point!  Every week I will share stories (both personal and from my readers) on business challenges, life setbacks, and other anecdotes from around the office.  You will see how the Resilient Worker is always able to get back up again and constantly move forward!

Thank you for trusting me with your precious time each week.  I know the journey we take together will unleash the Resilient Worker in all of us!


Until next week,


P.S. As always, I welcome your comments and conversation below.  And, please feel free to sign up for my e-mail list as well.  I will share additional nuggets of information and will never send you spam!