Have you heard the old joke about country music?
What happens when you play a country music song backward?
You get your trailer back. You get your wife back. You get your dog back. You get your job back…
Okay, okay, you’ve heard it. It’s the oldest one in the book. But it actually isn’t all that apropos anymore.
Country music in the “old days” centered on gritty themes and hard-knock heartbreak. Hank Williams, and later, Merle, Willie and Waylon, knew how to tug at our heartstrings. They were far more likely to produce tears than smiles. But as country music went mainstream with the explosion of multi-talented superstars Dwight Yoakam and Garth Brooks, it became decidedly more upbeat. I don’t think Hank done it this way!
And now, with fatigue from then pandemic washing over society, country music has embraced the escapist simplicity even more. Beach, blue jeans, bars, and beers. Let the good times roll! Singer-songwriter Jalen Johnson summed up the current state of the country music business this way:
If you want to sell your songs, think beach, not bummer. The industry is looking for three minutes of ‘hell yeah!’ vs. three minutes of ‘oh no’!”
Obviously, there is always room for the sad, reflective, somber tunes that evoke strong emotion. And we can debate the merits of each type of music. There is a time and place for both. But in our work and personal lives, the delineation is clearer. Three minutes of “hell yeah!” wins out just about every time.
We Have to Believe in Something Bigger Than Ourselves
Attitude is so important in determining success. The most successful leaders and coaches are positive and motivating. The most successful salespeople overcome obstacles with enthusiasm. The most successful entrepreneurs have a knack for getting people excited about their vision. That is not to say that we need to be disingenuous. Not all of us are “rah-rah” and not everyone responds to over-the-top motivation. We don’t always have to turn the volume up to 11!
But people have to believe in something bigger than themselves. There has to be some emotional connection to the mission. The ability to inspire belief and a sense of unity transcends the mechanics of any job function. “Hell yeah!” can be as simple as sincerely expressing confidence in a fellow employee. Or lending a sympathetic ear. Or establishing a connection that inspires loyalty. Or having someone’s back when they come under fire. We don’t have to stand on the table and sound our barbaric yawp from the highest mountaintop. Sometimes, the conveyance of motivation and inspiration can be understated and sublime. But we can’t slump around the water cooler muttering “oh no”. That is the surest way to drain our own reservoirs and the collective morale of any work environment. “Oh no” sinks ships!
And the same true in our family lives. And our relationships. And every aspect of our personal lives. What do you want people to say about you when you enter a room? “Hell yeah” beats “oh no” every time!
Embrace Resilience
But what if the train comes off the tracks? Our business fails. Our finances dwindle. Our relationships fall into disarray. Our lives play out like an old-school country tune. “Hell yeah!” is the furthest thing from our minds. Do we fake it? Do we ignore our feelings and pretend everything is okay? Of course not! Life is constantly ebbing and flowing. Eventually, we are going to come out on the losing end. It’s not all about sunshine and puppy dogs.
But if we have successfully embraced the “hell yeah” mindset, we have laid the foundation for a quicker recovery. We will not feel like a victim. We will not feel sorry for ourselves. We will believe in a better future. We will inspire loyalty from our inner circle. And we will take action to get us back to where we deserve to be. That is resilience!
We can’t just dismiss the “oh no” moments. They are real. But so is our enthusiasm. So is our energy. So is the positive environment we have created around us. So is the belief that we will be back on top soon. Our lives can play out like a country song. Both forward and backward. Either way, we will embrace resilience and come back stronger than ever. Hell yeah!