I had the pleasure of spending time with my brother, nephew, and two youngest daughters at Disney World a few weeks back. And whether you embrace it or dread it, Disney is a rite of passage that everyone should experience at some point in their lives.
While the roller coasters and (way too) cheerful cartoon characters were fun, “It’s a Small World” was the biggest hit with the kids. With over 300 animatronic dolls from over 40 countries, coupled with a catchy and creepy jingle, the “It’s a Small World” ride is pure sensory overload. (Parents can still hear the song eerily echoing in their heads long after they leave the Magic Kingdom!).
The lessons from the ride are unmistakable and even more true today. We live in an increasingly global world and the barriers between countries and continents are disappearing with the explosion of wealth, travel, and technology. The world is more accessible than ever!
But while the world is becoming smaller, we need to make sure we are still playing big in it!
Master Your Corner, Then Expand!
When we start off in the business world, it is important to find our niche. Perhaps we are good with numbers. Perhaps we can outhustle our peers. Perhaps we can dissect a problem or deliver a powerful presentation. Whatever our core strength, we need to leverage this talent and master our corner of the world.
Finding this comfort zone provides a sustainable foundation to build our careers. But we must resist the temptation to stop growing. We must constantly develop and diversify our skill set. We must be willing to adapt to changing times. The world does not stop once we reach the top!
If we want to find ultimate success, we need to realize that stagnation and complacency shrink our world and limit our opportunities. Don’t be afraid to take on new roles. Immerse yourself in the latest technology. Try something that doesn’t come naturally to you. Constantly amplify your brand.
Variety in Routine Helps Us Grow
The same is true in our personal lives. It is so important to find a social landscape that supports our development. We need a close group of friends who always have our back. We need a hobby to help augment our work skills. We need a reliable restaurant or a traditional vacation to help us unwind and recharge our batteries.
Good friends and comforting routines are important and should be cherished. But we can’t limit our exposure to the world! We can always expand our circle of friends. We can always develop a new hobby. We can always try a new restaurant or find a vacation spot off the beaten path. Familiarity allows us to conquer our corner of the world. Variety allows us to expand it.
Resiliency Demands Action
If we stubbornly cling to our little corner of the world, we limit our options when that world is turned upside down. How useful is the mastery of FORTRAN in the internet age? Or paper mapping in the age of Waze? How much job security does a cab driver have in the age of Uber? The world is a tumultuous place full of upheaval and change. If we want to stay resilient, we have to get out AHEAD of certain trends and master new skills.
By the same token, our personal lives are not immune from the chaos. This is part of the natural churn of life. When we suffer a personal loss or setback, we need to increase our activity. Curling into a ball will not solve our problems! Meet new people! Explore new destinations! Keep learning, growing and thriving even in the face of heartbreak and defeat.
Keep expanding your corner of the world. –Terry Collins
We can’t solely rely on our past habits and play small as our surroundings rapidly change. Resiliency demands that we constantly move forward and grow!
The Time to Act Is NOW
The opportunities for success have never been greater. The barriers to meet new people, develop new skills, and explore new passions have never been lower. Why wait for the storm clouds to gather on the horizon? Now is the time to build on your accomplishments and conquer new challenges. Now is the time to expand beyond your comfort zone. Now is the time to expand your corner of the world.
There is no dream too big for you to achieve. It’s a small world after all!
Until next week, keep smiling!