Admittedly, I’m not a big “go to the doctor” guy. So when my ears started bothering me a few weeks ago, I reacted as I always do.
Ignore it and it will go away.
Not exactly the healthiest approach!
I learned to live with the dull throbbing. I adjusted the volume to account for my diminished hearing. I grew accustomed to the foggy existence of my muffled world.
Finally, my wife “strongly suggested” I address the situation. Begrudgingly, I broke down and went in for a visit.
Within minutes, my ears were cleaned and my head was clear. I never felt so free in my life. My only regret was waiting so long to address the blockage!
Why didn’t I do this sooner? Why did I try to ignore the situation? And why do many of us do the same thing in our work and personal lives?
Ignoring Our Shortcomings Won’t Help
We all have blockages in our work lives. They don’t necessarily cost us our jobs. But they hold us back from reaching our true potential.
Analyzing a spreadsheet. Asking for the business. Presenting in front of an audience. Writing a comprehensive business plan.
We can ignore these deficiencies and still achieve some success. But imagine how much more we could accomplish if we addressed them head on?
These are learned skills that can be developed through practice. It will take some trial and error. But it’s not rocket science. And these are not insurmountable obstacles.
Removing these blockages would open up new possibilities and build our confidence. It would allow us to soar beyond our comfort zone and stare down any challenge. It would allow us to be the success we were meant to be!
Blockages Become Bad Habits
But these blockages are not exclusive to our work lives. In fact, blockages in our personal lives can have an even greater impact on our happiness.
Harboring resentment. Holding grudges. Skipping exercise. Denying accountability.
If we hold on to them for too long, they develop into bad habits. We can live with them and try to mask the negative effects. But they become part of us. And the more we ignore them, the harder they are to flush away.
Imagine if we let them all go. We forgive! We appreciate! We take a step forward and exercise! We own up to the immense responsibility we have in our lives!
Address the Blockages Head On!
It doesn’t take much. But first we have to admit that these blockages exist in our lives. Then we have to actively work to overcome them. Once we do, we can start the process of flushing them away.
But if we do not address our deficiencies, they will build up. They will impact our outlook on life and strain our confidence. Worst of all, when adversity sets in, we will be more likely to accept defeat rather than overcome it!
I knew I was going to fail because I just can’t present in front of an audience.
I expected to get a “no” because I was afraid to ask for the business.
The house is a mess but what can I do about it?
My relationships are falling apart but that’s not my fault.
Taking Action NOW is the Key!
We must refuse to accept permanent defeat or despair on any level in our lives. No outcome is inevitable. Nothing is pre-determined. It is time for action! There is nothing we can’t overcome!
Resiliency must be intentional. It will take acknowledgement. It will take hard work. It will take a change in mindset. But we can all do it.
Build up your weaknesses until they become your strong points. -Knute Rockne
If you are coming up on the short end, it is time to step up and flush that ear wax away!
Identify your weak points. Address your shortcomings. Let go of resentment and take accountability for your actions.
Once you do, it will open up opportunities you never thought possible. It will allow you to flourish and grow. And you will ask yourself the same question I asked after cleaning out my ears.
Why didn’t I do this sooner?
Until next week, keep smiling!
I like BOLD PRINT. I vow to take responsibility for my actions-TODAY.
Thx, John! Yes, since I am still in denial on needing reading glasses, bold print is the best!