The DC Touchdown Club Awards Dinner is an incredible event honoring the best professional, college, and high school football players in the local region. It features an all-star cast of ex-Washington Redskin legends, dynamic coaches, and incredibly talented athletes across the board. Every year, I get an invite from my friend, Jeff Gottshall, and it is a great opportunity to have fun and celebrate the game.
A few years back, we had another fantastic group and we were all enjoying the festivities. But it was a night my resilience was running a little low and I wasn’t in the best frame of mind. During a break in the programming, most of our group got up to refresh their drinks and it was just me and Tommy Haley left at the table. Part philosopher with an uncanny ability to dispense wisdom, Tommy is the perfect guy to approach when the chips are down.
After catching up on small talk, Tommy sensed there was something out of balance on my side of the table. He paused in mid-sentence to address the situation.
“So, how you doin’, man?”
It was not a rhetorical question nor one to be taken lightly. He actually wanted to know how I was doing, and clearly wanted to help. I hesitated briefly, taken aback by the sudden change in gravity of the discussion. And when I stammered out a half-hearted “Fine, I guess…”, that was all Tommy needed to take action.
“You know, Rob, this stuff isn’t easy. And my mom had a great line that has helped me through so many challenging situations.”
I leaned forward in my chair, eagerly anticipating the knowledge drop. What? What was the line?
“Don’t give up before the miracle happens!”
There was something about the way he delivered the line. It just happened to be exactly what I need to hear at that precise moment in time. And isn’t that good advice for all of us as we navigate our roller-coaster lives of resilience?
We Can’t Do It Alone
It’s not all sunshine and puppy dogs. Even the most successful, well-adjusted people run into obstacles and encumbrances. The sudden loss of a job. A flubbed sales pitch. A failed test. A financial shortfall. An abrupt benching or loss on the field. A strained relationship. An accident or injury that impacts our everyday ability to enjoy life. These setbacks can leave us bereft of motivation and emotionally drained. And they can create a cascading swirl of negative thoughts that further paralyze our ability to see a brighter way.
In times like these, perspective is our friend. We can get so caught up in the stress of the moment, that we fail to recognize the possibility of a reversal of fortune. But stepping back, and focusing on the enormous blessings we have in our lives, can help us through any temporary jam. And often that motivation comes from our inner circle of family and friends. Who will always have our back? Who will listen to our concerns and frustrations? Who will help us navigate back to a smooth path? No setback is permanent. But we can’t try to soldier through alone. There is strength in numbers. Sometimes, you just have to ask for help and guidance. Sometimes, you just have to keep the faith and hang on for another day. That miracle could be right around the corner!
We Will Come Back Stronger Than Ever
Just as no winning streak lasts forever, no losing streak lasts forever either. It won’t be easy and it won’t just happen by wishing it. It will take hard work, a positive attitude, and a lot of resilience. And it will take the help of others who are invested in our journey. But soon we will see that nothing has been done that can’t be reversed. No hole is so deep that we can’t climb out of it.
If we can stay motivated and mentally focused, we may find that we secure a job more fulfilling than we ever imagined. That we will always get another shot at winning the client back. That we will ace the test on the next try. That we will earn back our time on the field. That we can always repair a relationship that matters to us. That we will come back stronger and healthier than ever before!
There are better times right around the corner. Believe. And don’t give up before the miracle happens!
Thanks so much for this, Rob. It’s just what I needed to hear this morning.