The story of David vs. Goliath has been told and re-told for generations.
As the Biblical story unfolds, the Philistine army is gathered for war against the Israelites. The two powerful armies are camped for battle across a steep valley. Every day, a giant Philistine named Goliath crosses the valley and challenges the Israelites to fight.
The Israelites were understandably intimidated. Goliath was massive, fierce, and skilled at battle. Who in their right mind would challenge such a beast?
But while most of the army cowered, one young Israelite, David, refused to back down. Instead of dread, David had confidence. Instead of fear, David had resolve. Why?
Rather than focusing on the overwhelming terror of Goliath, David focused on his own strengths. He focused on his own strategy. He was no physical match for Goliath but he was incredibly skilled with a sling shot. And he knew a well-placed shot would spell victory.
All he needed to do was take action. The rest is history.
And so it is with all of us.
We Can’t Focus on Goliath
In our work lives, we face incredible challenges. An unreasonable and relentless client. An unpredictable and turbulent market. An undersized territory with a massive sales target. An unruly group of students. A smaller, slower group of athletes.
How can we possibly come out on top?
We can’t focus on Goliath. We must focus on our own strengths. We must take action.
The longer we wait, the more intimidating the situation.
Our client may be unreasonable, but we have incredible relationships skills. We must find the soft spot and appeal to a sense of decency.
We can’t control the market but we can focus on our long-term strategy. Markets will fluctuate over time but our effort must remain constant.
Our sales goal may be daunting but complaining or stressing about it won’t move the needle. We can’t suffer from analysis paralysis We must take action and attack it chunk by chunk.
Our students may be unfocused and out of control. But throwing in the towel and allowing them to drift is not the answer. Doubling down on our commitment is the only way to help their future. If not us, then who?
Our opponents may be bigger, faster, and stronger. But letting them dictate the tone and control the tempo is a recipe for a loss. We must work extra hard on a game plan to even the playing field. We must accentuate our own strengths and believe victory is possible.
If we focus on Goliath, we will lose before we ever step onto the field.
It’s How You React To Defeat
But what happens when we take action, and still get crushed by a giant Philistine?
Our client bulldozes us and eventually leaves for the competition.
Our strategy backfires and the bear market takes its pound of flesh.
Our territory underperforms and we whiff on our target.
Our students rebel and we lose their confidence.
Our team gets crushed by an offensive juggernaut.
We can’t always overcome the odds. David doesn’t always beat Goliath.
That is okay. As long as we are not intimidated, we have a chance at success. As long as we take action, we will eventually win. As long as we focus on our strengths, we can pull off the upset the next time.
Isn’t that better than admitting defeat before the battle starts. Isn’t that better than cowering in the corner and waving the white flag?
Resilience is a Mindset
Resilience is the ability to bounce back from these defeats and regain hope in the face of despair.
Clients will listen to reason if we stay positive and keep the faith.
With the proper foresight and determination, we can make money in a down market.
If we focus on opportunity rather than challenge, we can make our numbers in a weak territory.
With enough patience and passion, we can win over our students and make a difference.
With the right strategy and preparation, even a double-digit underdog can win a championship.
It’s all about our strengths and a positive mindset. It’s all about taking action. We can’t worry about that giant Philistine across the valley. He is no match for our talents.
There is No Goliath
There is no such thing as an “impossible” situation. There is no such thing as a “no-win ” scenario. There is no such thing as an “invincible” team. There is no such thing as David vs. Goliath.
Because there is no Goliath.
Only you with the skills and confidence to overcome any challenge.
Stay positive. Focus on your strengths. Take action. And go out and crush the competition!
Until next week, keep smiling.
My I have your permission to use this photo in a Book I am authoring and Publishing in October 2018,
This is a real confident booster
So glad you got some value out of it. Thank you for writing in!