

First Blog Post for The Resilient Worker


Avoiding the Crab Mentality

In order to lead a resilient life, we must summon the courage to shake the crab mentality.  This refers to crabs in a pot of boiling water that constantly pull one another back down in a pointless “king of the hill” competition. …


Perfect Imperfection

I was on the receiving end of a very flattering comment regarding my blog last week.  This person believed in my message and wondered how I was able to remain so positive and optimistic in the face of all the chaos and cynicism in this world.  While I…


What is Resilience?

  Thank you for returning to the “The Resilient Worker”!  Now our readership is up to two.  That’s 100 percent growth in only one week! This week we will explore the meaning of the word “resilient” and why resiliency is so important…


Welcome to the Resilient Worker!

  Congratulations!  You have now taken the first step toward incredible human fulfillment and eternal happiness!  Wait, I was told to under promise and over deliver in this blog.  Hmmm.  Would you believe general contentedness and a moderate uptick in…

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