

First Blog Post for The Resilient Worker


It’s Time To Go ALL IN!

The storied “Jesuit Poker Classic” took place this past weekend with its customary flair for drama and suspense.  This Texas Hold ‘Em style card tournament pits rival high schools against each other in an all-or-nothing battle in honor of local Washington,…


We’ve Been Taking Care of Business

Sorry for the tease.  This post has nothing to do with the classic Bachman-Turner Overdrive song (although, it is racing through my head as I type).  Taking Care of Business (“TCB”) is more of an Elvis Presley thing.  The late,…


The Time is Now For Kairos

The Ancient Greeks have had such an incredible impact our modern American culture.  They introduced lasting ideals and influences such as democracy, The Olympics, dramatic structure, legendary mythology and string music (Although “Yanni, Live at the Acropolis” did set them back a few generations!).  But perhaps the…


Walking Away Might Be Your Best Option

What is this headline?  Did somebody kidnap the Resilient Worker and ghost write this article?  Quitting and walking away instead of hunkering down and moving forward with resilience? Blasphemy! But let’s get real for a moment.  There are so many times when…


Who Are the “Go-To” People in Your Life?

March Madness is in full swing and this weekend provided its typical slate of heroic performances, nail-biting finishes, and miraculous buzzer-beaters.  It is a GREAT time to be a college hoops fan!  In the close games, there is one player who has…


We Could Be Heroes…Just For One Day!

What would the world be like without our heroes?   Perhaps your hero is a professional athlete or a decorated Olympian.  Perhaps a movie star or a musical legend.  Perhaps even a major titan of industry or a dynamic political figure. …


It’s All a Matter of Perspective

Very few of us are born with perspective and there is no blueprint for how to achieve it.  We may develop perspective gradually over a lifetime of experiences.  Or perspective could slap us in the face with one traumatic event.  Perspective influences…


Boiling Frog Syndrome and the Resilient Worker

A friend recently turned me on to the concept of the “Boiling Frog” and it struck me as a macabre, though entirely apropos, metaphor for the resilient worker in all of us.  If a frog is placed in very hot or boiling…


Playing Scared Is Not an Option

We have all been scared by someone or something at some point in our life.  Sharks.  Clowns.  Spiders.  Vampires.  Gary Busey.  We could spend all day exploring your own personal list.  Fear is a powerful human emotion and can paralyze even the…

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