

First Blog Post for The Resilient Worker


A Short Way to Go…And a Long Time to Get There

True happiness is to enjoy the present without anxious dependence upon the future. –Seneca I had the great fortune to play in a charity golf tournament benefiting the Child Rescue Coalition down in Boca Raton, Florida a few weeks ago. …


It’s Okay to Quit and Drink a Beer

It was another glorious weekend on the East Coast, and the perfect opportunity to get outside and play some golf (before settling into watching football and other such important weekend activities!).  So I headed out to the links with a…


“Even If You Never Jump Again…Remember and Be Proud!”

Earn the right to be proud and confident. –John Wooden As a GenX risk-taker, I had tried all the adrenaline junkie activities.  Hang gliding.  Parasailing.  Bungee-jumping.  Zip-lining.  But the crown jewel, skydiving, had eluded me for years.  Finally, in my…

Introduction Passion

Is Resilience Overrated? Hmmmm….

Well, it finally happened.  After years of consciously staying above the fray, I finally caved.  With so much negative swirl in the media, I have avoided pouring over the editorial sections of major newspapers.  Not exactly a breeding ground for…


How Many People Are Participating in Your Story?

It’s okay to have personal ambitions.  But you have to take someone with you.  –Roger Staubach It’s Christmas in July here at The Resilient Worker! I have vowed to listen to more podcasts on the weekends, having fallen sharply out…


Soak in Those Last Rays of Sunshine

My wife and I had the incredible pleasure of traveling to the West Coast last week.  But during our trip, the coronavirus pandemic and corresponding hysteria swept the nation and the world.  Each day, the news got exponentially worse as…


We Have to Cherish the Balloons That Fly Away

Where do balloons go when you set them free?  It can happen to anyone.  It happened to me. –Jamie Lee Curtis My parents live in an old, stone farmhouse in southern New Hampshire.  The woods and fields surrounding the property…


Life is Not a Zero-Sum Game

The annual Georgetown Prep vs. Gonzaga football game has a storied history in the Washington, DC area.  Every year, thousands of fans, of all ages, gather to cheer on two of the oldest Jesuit high schools in the country.  The…


Another Lesson From the Duke-Carolina Rivalry

Apparently, I didn’t always hate Carolina blue. In the Fall of 1980, my older brother Jerry enrolled at Duke University. My parents drove him down from Washington, DC and dragged his 10-year old kid brother (me!) along for the ride. We…

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