


“This is Makeable!”

Golf is deceptively simple and endlessly complicated. –Arnold Palmer The game of golf is constantly providing lessons of humility, comradery, and resiliency!  And you never know when one of those lessons will rear up and hug you like a warm…


“Don’t Give Up Before the Miracle Happens!”

The DC Touchdown Club Awards Dinner is an incredible event honoring the best professional, college, and high school football players in the local region.  It features an all-star cast of ex-Washington Redskin legends, dynamic coaches, and incredibly talented athletes across…


Are You Hurt Or Are You Injured?

As the calendar flips to the cusp of August, and the scent of fresh-cut grass floats in the air, it can only mean one thing.  Football season is upon us!  And with that, my thoughts turn back to the glorious…


Turning Sawdust into Gold!

The Rockefeller Family made their fortune in oil.  The Carnegie Family in steel.  And the Berolzheimer Family?  They made their fortune in pencils! The German ancestors of the American Berolzheimers were involved for 40 years during the 1800s in the…


“I Was So Happy With My Dad That Night!”

Life is about perspective and how you view it over the long haul. Ultimately, you have to zoom out. — Tim McGraw At some point, all of us lose someone close to us.  It is an unfortunate, and sometimes tragic,…


“Now I Don’t Even Feel the Sting!”

Failures are finger posts on the road to achievement.  One fails forward toward success. –C.S. Lewis It was quite possibly the largest underground bees nest I had ever seen.  Right under a huge root in the cherry tree in my…


“Don’t You Need to Go Home to Your Family?”

The wheel has come full circle. –William Shakespeare My parents recently made the difficult move from their ancestral farmhouse in New Hampshire to an assisted living facility in the Washington, DC area.  Change of this magnitude is never easy, and…


The Road Trip from Hell

It is the set of the sails, not the direction of the wind, that determines which way we will go in life.  –Jim Rohn The day started off so perfectly.  A beautiful, crisp Christmas morning.  Presents under the tree.  Delicious…

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