


It’s a Thankless Job (But Somebody Has To Do It!)

Is there anything greater than the Thanksgiving Holiday?  Turkey.  Sweet potatoes.  Pumpkin Pie.  Football.  Family.  Did I mention the pumpkin pie?  It is truly a glorious time to relax, take stock of our lives, and give thanks for all the blessings we…

Appreciation Crisis

Your Parachute Has Been Packed With Care

A good friend recently turned me on to the story of Captain Charles Plumb, a US Navy fighter pilot who served during the Vietnam War.  Capt. Plumb was shot down in enemy territory while flying on a covert mission and was forced to…


Grudge Match

What is at the root of all conflict in the world?    As I sat and listened to the sermon in the Georgetown Prep chapel, I started ticking off the possibilities in my mind.  Money?  Hatred? Jealousy?  Oil?  The answer was even…


The Wind is Always at Your Back

  Summer is officially here on the East Coast! To celebrate, I was able to get away to the beach this weekend with a group of long-time buddies.  Per tradition, we took a power boat out on the water for a mid-day cruise…

Appreciation Success

Jenga Pieces in Your Life

My wife and I are constantly searching for creative ways we can spend time with our children.  Other than watching “SpongeBob” (the great communicator across ALL generations), it is becoming increasingly difficult to find common ground.  Years ago, we stumbled upon the…


The Door Is Always Open

I had the pleasure of attending a festive family wedding in Richmond, VA this past weekend.  Like most great celebrations, it was full of laughter, heart-touching speeches, and pure old-fashioned fun.  But what set the night apart was the breathtaking location of the reception.  It took…


Look for the Little Miracles

  It’s not a bad idea to occasionally spend time thinking about things you take for granted.  Plain everyday things.  –Evan Davis Many years ago, my son and I and were traveling to the great town of Cincinnati. The night…


Appreciation is a Gift

When you come right down it,  every man and woman just wants to be appreciated.  It’s really that simple.  The root of most of our frustration and unhappiness stems from some feeling of under appreciation in our work life or…

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