Rob Clark is a professional speaker and the author of Flynndini Lives, a children’s book, and Smiling in the Cube, a motivational business book. He has over twenty-fi ve years of direct sales experience and has become one of the leading authorities on resilience in the workplace. Rob has been the subject of numerous articles and podcasts, and his weekly blog, The Resilient Worker, has reached thousands of readers over the past fi ve years.
Rob lives just outside Washington, DC, with his beautiful wife, Jennifer, his four wonderful children, Justin, Riley, Courtney, and Cassidy, and his amazing dog, Parker.
Another great post. Tears are a sign of caring greatly. And caring greatly is one of the best attributes one can have. johnniejet
Thanks for caring, John!
Hey Rob,
I just loved your blog on the packed parachute! Please let me know if you’re ever coming to Charleston, SC!
Love Charleston and glad you are loving life! Thanks for signing up and I’ll try to keep them coming.
Hey Rob, nice work on the blog. You probably already saw this but if not I thought you might get an idea for a post from this article. Really resonated with me for some reason. No worries if not of course. Hope you are well. Raf
Fantastic, Raf. Thanks for thinking of me (and I always need new material!)
Have just signed up. A young “gentleman” informed me of your great work. Just getting into it, but am totally soaking up every word.
Outstanding. Thanks, Marianne. More resiliency to come!
Trying to locate Gene Lefeged as he was in my graduating class 1968 Churchill HS, Potomac Md. Read the touching story about him..Oh my, he so suffered needlessly but it seems his strength led him to a beautiful life. Good for him. If you have any contact with him, please let him know about our reunion…..www.churchillreunion.com. Will be a mega reunion for classes 67-68-69. Would love to have him attend as he truly is a hero. Thanks for any help.
Congratulations on the book deal! It’s going to be a huge success!
Great to hear from you, Jacqi! And love the confidence. Hope all is well in your world!