Sometimes you wanna go where everybody knows your name.—Cheers Theme Song
Ah, summertime. Something about the season makes us feel lighter. More carefree. Full of hope. And whether we are planning our family vacations, upholding long-standing traditions, or embarking on new adventures, summertime always softens the hard edges of our lives. And no other place upholds the promises of summer more than Summer House Santa Monica at Pike & Rose.
It is a place that unabashedly celebrates the season and channels the spirit of sun, sand and surf. A place that starts a long countdown to the season opener all through the dreary winter months. A place that embraces an atmosphere of pure goodness. It’s not just about gimmicks and slogans. It’s an opportunity to soak up the atmosphere. It’s an opportunity to reset and find the courage to face another day. Open up the windows, let the breeze flow in, and leave your worries at the revolving door!
But it’s also about connection. Sometimes, it doesn’t take much to change our perspective and refill our reservoir of resilience. A wave of acknowledgment and first-name greeting from the bartender. A fresh Ponzi slung down the bar before we reach the stool. A “this one’s on me” shake of the hand. It doesn’t have to be grandiose or complicated.
Summer House provides a brief respite from the madness of this world by tapping into the most basic human desire. The desire to be seen. To matter. To be singled out among the lucky souls who have made a difference in this chaotic world.
And couldn’t we all benefit by feeling this way in our everyday lives?
A Little Acknowledgement Goes a Long Way
At work, we sometimes feel invisible. Perhaps our ideas aren’t working. Perhaps it feels like everyone else gets it except us. Perhaps we sense that no one has our back. Such thoughts sap our resilience and put us on a lonely island. What can rescue us from this oblivion? It’s not as complicated as it seems.
An encouraging word from a client. An admission of vulnerability from a co-worker. A small gesture of solidarity from a manager. Small acts such as these immediately shift our perspective. Suddenly the world doesn’t seem as menacing. Suddenly, we transition from desperation to hope. Suddenly, we feel more connected and relevant.
And the same thing is true in our personal lives. We may feel undervalued on the home front. We may feel unappreciated in a relationship. We may like we are tirelessly working to help but nobody seems to care. And just as we careen toward the precipice of certain doom, someone pulls us back to safety.
A heart-felt acknowledgment for our myriad contributions. An unexpected token of appreciation from a loved one. An unsolicited compliment for a life of sacrifice. We do not ask for it or expect it. But let’s face it, everyone loves to hear it. And sometimes, we NEED to hear it. These are the moments that keep us going. These are the moments that breathe a hint of summer into the winter of our malaise.
It’s Always Summer Somewhere
The human spirit is truly an incredible force. There are times when we feel overwhelmed. Buried. Stuck. Unable to see a brighter way. And just when we finally reach our breaking point, we push through to the other side. Even if it is for a fleeting moment.
It doesn’t have to be life-changing. It doesn’t require fame, or money, or status. It doesn’t take much. We just have to be open to the possibility of connection. We have to provide an encouraging word and make people feel like they matter. And we have to seek out those people who pick us up when we are at our lowest point.
Who are the people that bring out the best in us? Who are the people that provide us with inspiration? Where are the places we feel most comfortable and secure? Where are the places that offer an oasis in the sandstorm? We all need a break from our chaotic lives. We all need to feel special and cherished. Let’s find those people, explore those places and embrace those moments that bring us back to center.
The time is now. Let’s find a place that always feels like summer.