Thankgiving is just around the corner! And is there a better time of year? Food. Football. Fun. Family. The glorious traditions shared with loved ones. The remembrances of those who have gone from this world. And the sincere reflection on all the current blessings we have in our lives. It is both a hectic and cathartic experience. But taking time to acknowledge our incredible fortune at least once a year is truly glorious.
Regardless of where we are on the spectrum of success or family togetherness, even the most pessimistic person can find some silver lining at Thanksgiving. We know there have been challenging times. We know there have been struggles. We know life is not a Norman Rockwell painting. But instead of pretending our life is perfect, shouldn’t we give thanks for these down times? Don’t those difficult moments in our work and personal lives make us appreciate our accomplishments and relationships even more?
In our work lives, we are not always going to be the top salesperson. We are not always going to be the top biller. We are not always going to connect with our students or win a championship. We are not always going to get along with our boss or co-workers. We will face a rough patch at some point in the journey. During these times, it is natural to curl up and pray for better times.
But these moments of adversity shape our character. These struggles provide the catalyst for our future triumphs. We learn and grow more during these difficult times than we do during the salad days! So why not give thanks for the challenging people we face in our office? Why not appreciate a tough loss for the lessons we can glean? Why not embrace our difficult year so that we can ensure it will never happen again? Nobody wants to celebrate defeat. But we must recognize that without these moments, we can never appreciate success!
Relationships Matter
The same is true in our personal lives. We can face a strained personal relationship. We can experience a clash with a family member. We can feel the sting of financial debt or the shock of a personal health crisis. While not pleasant in the moment, these hardships can lead to incredible insight and appreciation. Perhaps the disintegration of one relationship leads us to a more fulfilling relationship down the road. Perhaps a clash with a family member allows us to air old grievances that lead to a greater appreciation for one another. Perhaps a temporary financial crisis allows us to prioritize our spending habits and come back stronger than ever! Perhaps a health crisis helps us focus on what truly matters in life! Our most difficult moments lay the foundation for our greatest accomplishments.
And more than anything, these difficult moments allow us to build incredible relationships. During a struggle, our love for those who come to our rescue increases exponentially. Our appreciation for those who empathize with our situation will never be forgotten. Our gratitude for those who help move us forward will last forever. Steel sharpens steel during these struggles. Nothing is more powerful than a bond forged in turbulent times.
I can better trust those who helped to relieve the gloom of my dark hours than those who are so ready to enjoy with me the sunshine of my prosperity. –Ulysses S. Grant
The Worst Becomes the Best
The Thanksgiving season provides us with an enormous opportunity to count our blessings and appreciate all the wonderful people and accomplishments we have in our lives. But let us not forget the struggles and difficult moments that preceded these triumphs. Things may not be going our way. We may feel as though we have little to celebrate. But these down moments shape our character and provide us with the grit and determination we need to be successful in the future. It is not easy but, through the prism of time, we may come to realize that the worst days of our lives were actually our best! And that is the definition of resilience!
Soon, it will be time to hunker down and enjoy an amazing Thanksgiving with family and friends. Whether we are up or down this holiday season, we have so much to appreciate. We have incredible relationships. We have incredible opportunities for success. And we have incredible potential waiting to be unleashed. And that is something that warrants our deepest thanks!