Have you ever been caught in a rip tide?
On the eve of my 30th birthday, I was living the good life on the beach in Southern California. My wife surprised me by inviting a close group of my friends out West to commemorate the big occasion. It was glorious!
After a spirited night of celebrating, a handful of us relaxed on the beach the next morning. Eventually, we waded out into the water just beyond the first break of the waves.
The ocean was calm that day and we were reminiscing about the night and lost track of our surroundings. Suddenly, I looked up and noticed that the waves were breaking right on the shore. That was strange.
After a few seconds, I realized the waves hadn’t moved. We had been carried thousands of yards out to sea! It all happened so fast. We never felt any pull from the ocean.
Our group did not panic. We remembered to swim parallel to the shore. But after a long struggle, it seemed we weren’t making much progress. Frustration set in.
Miraculously, a coast guard boat pulled up out of the blue and brought us back toward the shore. We were saved!
Immediately, the head lifeguard rushed up to us and made sure we were okay.
“I know you guys couldn’t feel it, but I saw it right away. One of the worst riptides we’ve had on this beach. I sent our boat for you immediately!”
We were drifting. We knew something had changed but we didn’t realize it in the moment. We kept our heads and didn’t panic. We accepted help when we realized we couldn’t do it alone. We benefited from a different perspective.
We were safe on the beach.
But we all need to beware of the riptides in our own lives.
Drift Happens
We briefly lost focus and the riptide swiftly swept us out to sea.
We are all impacted by drift. We start a job with the best intentions. At some point, we lose focus. Perhaps we are not as rigorous in our prospecting. Perhaps we stop monitoring the competition. Perhaps we no longer invest in training or learning new skills.
Before we know it, our market share has eroded. Our skills have diminished. We have lost our purpose and lost our way. We have drifted off course without realizing it!
If we are not vigilant and proactive, we are all at risk of drifting along in our careers.
Don’t Ignore the Warning Signs
I knew it was odd that the waves were breaking far away from us. But I misinterpreted the warning signs.
How many times have we done this in our own lives?
Our compensation plan shrinks but we think it will help the stock price. Our responsibilities retract but we assume it is happening to everyone. Leadership exits the company but we stay focused on our small patch of business.
We can’t ignore the obvious. If something doesn’t feel right, there is likely an underlying issue. Ignoring it, puts us in danger of drifting even further off course.
Stay Calm But Take Action
No one panicked when we finally realized the rip tide had taken us out to sea. It was time to take action!
All of us are susceptible to drift in our personal and professional lives. We can’t stay vigilant all the time. But there is no need to panic. It is never “too late” to get back to shore.
Recognizing the drift is half the battle. Then we need to take positive action.
If our performance is suffering, we need to double down on our efforts or find another job. If our relationship is stagnant, we need to re-ignite the flame or move on. We can’t drift forever in the middle.
It will take a Herculean effort to get back on course. But we can do it. Resilience is born from a cool head and a proactive plan.
We Can’t Do It Alone
We swam parallel to the shore, but we still may not have made it without the help of the boat.
We all need help getting back on track. We can stay calm. We can take action. But it doesn’t mean we can get there alone.
Perhaps it is a boss who has our best interests at heart. Perhaps it is a friend who is willing to listen. Perhaps it is a spouse who understands our needs.
These are the people we need to cherish. These are the people who will rescue us in our time of need.
Appreciate a Different Perspective
We didn’t feel the riptide. But the lifeguard saw it right away.
We rarely feel the drift in our own lives. We keep our head down and try to get through another day. We do our jobs the same way for years. We stay in the same relationship out of convenience.
What is obvious to someone else may not be obvious to us. We need another set of eyes to offer advice. We need a fresh perspective to recognize we may be in danger.
Sometimes, we are too close to our own situation to see the warning signs. Sometimes a new point of view can save us from drifting.
Resilience and the Rip Tide
We will all get caught in a rip tide at some point in our lives.
We will lose sight of our dreams and struggle.
But it is never too late to get back on track.
Stay vigilant. Stay calm. Take action. Seek help. Find and appreciate a new perspective.
We must keep our eyes on the shore at all times. Do not panic. Resilience will win out in the end!
Until next week, keep smiling!